If you have any of this skin lesion: they are wart (Ketuat in Malay)
Common wart |
Plantar wart |
It look terrible. You may feel wanna do anything as long as this tiny unpleasant look of wart is remove.
You may bite. This is awful.
Using a nailcutter or any tool to cut and remove the brown dot inside it
Have a friction to any rough surface.
Ask other person to help you cutting or remove it by hand.
If you do any of this method, please stop. Not only it harm your skin but also it contagious. You may spread it to other site of your body and it suck. It's viral. The culprit is one of the HPV(human papillomaviruses) that can be spread from person to person. You may also feel guilty as become one of reason why your friends suddenly get it too. Thus, please stop asking your friend to remove it. Unless you intend to.:P lol no offense.
So, it is nice to seek for doctor. The treatment include whether
Used in painful and resistant wart, but carry risk of scarring. However it is contraindicate to plantar wart, wart size more than 1cm and also wart overlying the joint.
It is a tissue freezing method with solid carbon dioxide and liquid nitrogen. The feel is like when you got an super cold ice on your skin for for 20s. Chillest and a bit pain!
Chemical cautery:
a. Salicylic acid in different concentration, alone or with other chemical. It over-the-counter medicine and you can get it in pharmacy or clinic.
i-Salicylic acid plaster 40%: used in plantar wart
ii-Salicylic acid 20% and lactic acid 20% in collodion: in common wart and plantar wart. It must be applied under adhesive plaster & left overnight
b. Formalin 1-3%: in multiple plantar warts: The effect are is soaked in the solution for 15min daily until the wart drop.
c. 20% podophyllin in tincture benzoin: in condyloma accuminatum(genital). It is applied by phisician and left for 4hrs then washed off. Reapplication is done weekly interval until resolution. It is teratogenic, so it should be used in pregnancy. Other method can be used for pregnant woman.
d. Other caustic: eg trichloracotic acid
Other methods: laser treatment or interferon in immunocompromised patient and resistant condyloma accuminata.
Don't harm your skin. Make a wise choice.